What protocol is suggested for Specific Conditions
Based on an individual's condition and symptoms, this can vary, since like many wellness and health regimens, individuals respond differently. Many individuals will notice a positive effect in just in one session, however, a series of sessions is recommended for optimal results. Some people go two to three times a week for a three to four-week ritual during allergy and cold seasons, some people go twice a week for six to eight weeks for more chronic conditions. Those who go for general wellness, stress relief, and relaxation simply go as often as they like. For best results, a series of treatments is recommended. The Salt Therapy Association additionally recommends using dry salt therapy as a continuous preventive measure to strengthen the immune system against colds, cough, allergies, and sinusitis.
*Dry Salt Therapy Treatment Protocols
Although the FDA has yet to establish official protocols for dry salt therapy in the United States, some European countries have incorporated the following duration of treatment:
•Asthma (mild): 12-14 days •Asthma (severe): 18-21 days
•Acute bronchitis: 12-14 days •Recurrent bronchitis: 12-14 days •Chronic simple bronchitis: 18-21 days
•Chronic obstructive bronchitis: 18-21 days
•Pneumonia after acute stage: 12-14 days
•Cystic fibrosis: 20-25 days
•Chronic sinusitis: 14-18 days •Acute sinusitis: 3-5 days
•Hay fever: 12-14 days
•Smokers: 12-14 days
PLEASE NOTE:For best results, during a course of therapy, chronic sufferers should try to complete sessions as consecutively as possible - daily is best, but at least 3 times a week are usually needed for challenging cases.
Provided by the Salt Therapy Association